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Scam Alert Information

Polygraph Clients; PLEASE beware of the polygraph scammers out there. Unfortunately, there is no licensing for polygraph examiners in California, so there are scams and fraudulent examiners out there, believe it or not. Don’t fall victim to scammers. Anyone can identify themselves as a certified examiner, and our office has been contacted numerous times by clients who have been a victim of a polygraph scam. 

If you were going in for a medical procedure, to see your accountant, someone in a trusted position, you would expect them to have the proper training for that said profession. Well, due to the no licensing clause for polygraph examiners in California, anyone can choose to conduct polygraphs with absolutely no training.

Also, not to mention, any certified examiner could lose their certification over most of the following RED FLAGS:

  1. A cheap/inexpensive exam - usually under $200 per test.  

  2. A lie detector test conducted in one hour or less. Exams are 90+ minutes. An examiner could lose their certification if their exams are less than 90 minutes.

  3. Allowing a third person to be present in the examination room during the test. Only the examiner and examinee are in the room at the time, two people only, no one else. Also, if they are attempting to conduct your test in a room where there is noise, slamming doors, people walking around, another desk with people working, ringing phones etc., this is restricted and would cost a certified examiner their certification. The polygraph suite must be absolutely quiet, including no pictures on the walls and only two people present total. (Examiner and examinee)

  4. Not a member of the American Polygraph Association (APA), California Association of the Polygraph Examiners (CAPE), and/or the National Polygraph Association (NPA). To confirm if someone’s certified, it’s as easy as getting on the Internet and googling these above-mentioned organizations. They will have a member list, so please access it. These are the 3 main organizations that certify Polygraph Examiners so your anticipated examiner’s name should be on one of those lists for certification purposes.  

  5. Any polygraph examiner stating that they are CERTIFIED and belong to an “unheard-of” Polygraph Association. Take a peek at the organizations website including who the administrator of the website is. The three main polygraph associations are the APA, CAPE and NPA.  Any other organization that they may say their affiliated with, please research it. Also, you can contact the above organizations for further information. 

  6. When they have websites that goes on continuously while bashing, attacking and discrediting other polygraph examiners. We like to think of ourselves as a community. Should you see this, Google the person(s) and do your research.  

  7. Google your anticipated examiner on Google, Yelp, the Better Business Bureau, and any other platforms available. I’m sure you will agree, when taking these exams, you want to ensure that your examiner is first, a real trained examiner as well as an examiner who is certified, accredited, and follows proper polygraph protocols.

  8. Any examiner that may/may not use the fact that they have done media work (Staged lie detector tests on TV) etc. don’t fall for it. Even the media makes mistakes and fails to do their research properly.  YOU MUST DO YOUR HOMEWORK AND PROTECT YOURSELF.  Lie Detector tests on TV are “mostly” staged and DON’T follows proper and very important polygraph protocol.  They are mostly for entertainment value due to the 90 min. testing process length.  

  9. Any examiner that remains secretive and “won’t” speak with you on the phone should be a red flag. You will need to speak to your examiner as we understand you will have many questions. Also, they should disclose their address location to you without you having to wait to be contacted shortly (even 30 minutes) before your exam on where to go. 

  10. Any examiner that tells you to drink large amounts of water before the examinee arrives for their exam. Or most importantly, any examiners that stops your exam mid way, sends you out to consume more water, then come back.

CLIENTS:  There’s nothing worse than falling victim to a scammer in this type of situation or any situation that you’re already troubled about. Treat this exam as you would your own personal wellbeing and health and make sure you choose a certified, accredited and qualified examiner. You cannot jeopardize your reputation, relationship, your marriage, the trust of others, your job or whatever the case may be, by not doing your research.

DISCLAIMER:  The above information is in regards to “red flags” that should be researched prior to hiring a Polygraph Examiner.  I am in no way calling out one or more examiners directly, I just have had experience with the victims of scams and I firsthand have had experience with fraudulent examiners which is why I do what I do.  The real “Certified Examiners” are here to protect the public and the good name of Polygraph in its entirety.  

At Ventura Polygraph and Investigations, we are Full APA and Full CAPE Members which ensures we are certified and accredited polygraph examiners and with many years of experience.  Kelly Duhs is a forensic polygraph examiner and has administered hundreds of validated lie detector tests. In addition, she maintains high ethical standards, follows all polygraph protocols and scientific regulations, and is current with all continuing education training requirements.

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