Attorney Investigations and Polygraph Services

Ventura Investigations and Polygraph is a Full Service Investigation Firm Licensed, Bonded and Insured within the State of California, PI Number 26059. Kelly has over 16 years of experience in Civil and Criminal Cases. A Graduate of Nick Harris Private Detective Academy in Van Nuys (1996) and Orange County Polygraph Institute, an APA Accredited Polygraph School, Kelly has completed many assignments for both Plaintiff and Defense Law Firms, as well as provide testimony in court on many occasions. Contact us for your investigative needs (805) 432-3540
We assist our clients in all facets of their litigation preparation, providing valuable information to help make intelligent and informed decisions. We understand the demands placed upon our clients and are able to respond at a moment’s notice. We produce verifiable, documented information and timely reports in a comprehensive and organized manner.
Conducting thorough interviews is the cornerstone of most investigations and crucial to determining the exposure in a case. Statements can be conducted in our dedicated video conference room or in the field and can either be written, recorded or informal.
Kelly has Excellent Interview Skills and is able to gather thorough information through Statements and Interviews. Kelly has conducted many Interviews and obtained Statements in Major Litigation cases that were critical to their favorable outcome. Additional services are Locates, Court Record Search, Difficult Process Service, Undercover/Covert Investigations and Kelly prides herself in being a Top Notch “Surveillance/Field Investigator.”
Areas we assist in:

Attorney Client/Witness

Criminal Matters
Civil Matters
Theft/Robbery Cases

Post Conviction Sex Offenders

Sexual Crimes/Abuse


Taking on a large case and want to polygraph your client? Trained and certified at a Federal Government Level (DACA) Defense Academy for Credibility Assessment by Orange County Polygraph Institute. (APA ACCREDITED)Areas include:

Attorney Client

Private/Domestic Relations/Theft

Criminal/Civil/Domestic & Family Law Cases

Insurance Fraud

(Including employee/pre-employment exams,accounting,theft)
Ventura Polygraph can perform the Polygraph Exam at your location or in our office. 3 or more tests will be administered to determine accurate results with a new top of the line “Limestone” Computerized Instrument. We offer a Fully Mobile Service for our RELIABLE COMPUTERIZED LIE DETECTOR TESTING
Ventura, Santa Barabara and Los Angeles Counties
We are freeway close to both Ventura, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles Counties. Fully mobile service throughout California. Let us bring the equipment to you.

Ventura Polygraph provides professional, confidential polygraph examinations and lie detection testing to businesses, organizations and private individuals throughout the State of California. Our polygraph testing can be conducted at our offices or our mobile unit can travel to your home or business, or wherever you prefer the polygraph examination to take place.
Ventura Polygraph is a division of Ventura Investigations, a Ventura County Investigation Agency. Ventura Polygraph and Investigations is owned and operated by Kelly Duhs, a veteran private investigator with over 16 years of experience. We are fully licensed, insured and bonded and you can be assured that your polygraph examination will be conducted with the highest level of professionalism and integrity at all times.
When you need the services of a qualified polygraph examiner, call the experts at Ventura Polygraph. Our staff of dedicated professionals will be happy to answer any questions you may have and schedule an appointment for you.

“When you want the investigation done right, Kelly is the only investigator for me. Also, her video evidence is phenomenal. ”
Marc Brauer, Attorney at Law (Practicing Law for over 33 years)
“Kelly’s tenacious efforts, diligence and devoted work led to the success of our case. We could not have done it without her and the outcome would have been unlikely in the manner it was achieved.”Lon B. Issacson, Lon B. Isaacson and Associates.